A dream double bass for Felix

"The depth of sound and the resonance, the overtones. It is my dream instrument!" Felix Lashmar tells you more about the instrument he plays in this video. The 4-string double bass was purchased with the help of the Foundation Concertgebouworkest. Purchasing top class instruments is only possible with the support of private donors. 

The financial contribution of private donors remains absolutely crucial to the continuing success of the Foundation. Only with that help the Foundation is able to provide vital support to the world-class work of the orchestra. 

We use the donations of our Global Friends for different artistic and educational projects but also for purchasing top-class instruments. Like the flute for Mariya. We would be grateful if you would financially support us with the purchase of it. 


We are, of course very grateful for any one-off donations. Should you wish to support us in this way, please use the following bank transfer details:

  • IBAN NL10ABNA0446758906;
  • account holder: Foundation Concertgebouworkest.

As we would be happy to send you a confirmation, please be sure to include your email and/or postal address with your donation.

Donate by the Transnational Giving Programm or by becoming a member of a national Global Friend community: