Biographies Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra

Biographies Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra
Concertgebouw Orchestra in 1895

Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra - 188 words (short)


Based in Amsterdam, the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra is regarded as one of the world’s leading orchestras. Its famously distinct sound is partly due to the unique acoustics of The Concertgebouw. Another determining factor is the influence of the chief conductors, of which there have been only seven to date: Willem Kes, Willem Mengelberg, Eduard van Beinum, Bernard Haitink, Riccardo Chailly, Mariss Jansons and Daniele Gatti. Klaus Mäkelä will commence his tenure as the orchestra’s eighth chief conductor in September 2027.

In addition to some eighty concerts performed in Amsterdam, the Concertgebouw Orchestra gives forty concerts at major concert halls throughout the world each year, expanding its reach through videos, streaming, radio and television broadcasts, and CD and DVD releases on its own RCO Live label. Its extensive educational activities include the Academy of the Concertgebouw Orchestra and the unique summer project for talented young people from all over Europe, Concertgebouworkest Young.

The Concertgebouw Orchestra is grateful for the financial support of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the Municipality of Amsterdam, global partners ING, Unilever and, sponsors, funds and numerous donors all over the world.

Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra - 250 words (standard)



Based in Amsterdam, the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra was founded in 1888. Its very distinct, individual sound is partly due to the unique acoustics of The Concertgebouw. Another determining factor is the influence of the chief conductors, of whom there have been seven to date: Willem Kes, Willem Mengelberg, Eduard van Beinum, Bernard Haitink, Riccardo Chailly, Mariss Jansons and Daniele Gatti. In 2022 the orchestra announced that Klaus Mäkelä will be its eighth chief conductor, commencing in September 2027. Queen Máxima of the Netherlands is patroness.

The Concertgebouw Orchestra has always collaborated with the world’s greatest conductors and soloists. Such composers as Richard Strauss, Gustav Mahler and Igor Stravinsky all conducted the orchestra on more than one occasion. To this day, the orchestra continues to foster long-term relationships with contemporary composers.

In addition to some eighty concerts performed at The Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, the orchestra gives forty concerts at other major concert halls throughout the world, and expands its reach through videos, streaming, radio and television broadcasts, and CD and DVD releases on its own RCO Live label.

The Academy of the Concertgebouw Orchestra successfully moulds young, talented musicians into orchestral players of the highest calibre. The biennial summer project Concertgebouworkest Young brings together hidden talent aged fourteen to seventeen from all over Europe.

The Concertgebouw Orchestra is grateful for the financial support of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the Municipality of Amsterdam, global partners ING, Unilever and, sponsors, funds and numerous donors all over the world.

Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra - 518 words (complete)


The Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra is one of the very best orchestras in the world. Ever since it was founded in 1888, it has collaborated with the greatest conductors and soloists. ‘Royal’ status was officially conferred on the orchestra on the occasion of its Centenary Celebration. Her Majesty Queen Máxima is the orchestra’s patron.

The orchestra has cultivated a distinct, individual sound, one which is due in part to the unique acoustics of The Concertgebouw. The musicians play an equally decisive role. The orchestra is made up of over 120 players hailing from some twenty-five countries. Yet despite its size, it actually functions more like a chamber orchestra.

To date only seven chief conductors have led the Concertgebouw Orchestra, and their influence, too, has been considerable: Willem Kes (chief conductor from 1888 to 1895), Willem Mengelberg (1895–1945), Eduard van Beinum (1945–59), Bernard Haitink (1961–88), Riccardo Chailly (1988–2004) Mariss Jansons (2004–15) and Daniele Gatti (2016–18). In 2022 the orchestra announced that Klaus Mäkelä will be its eighth chief conductor, commencing in September 2027.

Collaborations with world-renowned guest conductors and specialists contribute to the orchestra’s sound and great stylistic flexibility. Nikolaus Harnoncourt, for instance, was largely responsible for the orchestra’s reputation with respect to eighteenth-century repertoire. Iván Fischer is honorary guest conductor since the 2021–22 season. Pierre Audi works with the orchestra as its creative partner.

The Concertgebouw Orchestra has long garnered praise for its performances of the music of Mahler and Bruckner. It also upholds a number of time-honoured concert traditions, such as the Passion performance and the Christmas Matinee. Contemporary music has played a major role from the start. Composers such as Richard Strauss, Gustav Mahler, Arnold Schoenberg and Igor Stravinsky all conducted the Concertgebouw Orchestra on more than one occasion. Today, the likes of John Adams, Thomas Adès and Tan Dun follow in their footsteps. Each year, the orchestra premieres multiple newly commissioned works.

In addition to some eighty concerts performed at The Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, the orchestra gives approximately forty concerts at other major concert halls throughout the world, reaching roughly 250,000 concertgoers worldwide every year. The orchestra expands its reach through videos, concert streams and regular radio and television broadcasts in collaboration with AVROTROS, and It has made over 1,100 LP, CD and DVD recordings to date, many of which have won international distinctions. In 2004, the orchestra launched its own in-house record label, RCO Live.

The Academy of the Concertgebouw Orchestra successfully moulds young, talented musicians into orchestral players of the highest calibre. The biennial Concertgebouworkest Young youth orchestra brings together hidden talent aged fourteen to seventeen from all over Europe. In the Ammodo Masterclass, talented young conductors are tutored by an experienced maestro while conducting the Concertgebouw Orchestra.

The Concertgebouw Orchestra is grateful for the financial support of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the Municipality of Amsterdam, global partners ING, Unilever and, sponsors, funds and numerous donors all over the world. The largest portion of its income is generated by proceeds from the concerts it gives in and outside the Netherlands.

Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra - Auf Deutsch


Das Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra mit Sitz in Amsterdam wurde 1888 gegründet und erhielt anlässlich seines hundertjährigen Bestehens 1988 die Bezeichnung "königlich". Königin Máxima der Niederlande ist Schirmherrin. Dank seines einzigartigen Klangs spielt das Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in den besten Konzertsälen auf der ganzen Welt. Seit seiner Gründung arbeitet es regelmäßig zusammen mit den bedeutendsten Dirigent*innen und Solist*innen ihrer Zeit. Komponisten wie Richard Strauss, Gustav Mahler und Igor Strawinsky haben das Concertgebouw Orchestra regelmäßig dirigiert und auch heute noch pflegt das Orchester enge Beziehungen zu führenden zeitgenössischen Komponist*innen.

Im Jahr 2022 wurde bekannt gegeben, dass Klaus Makela ab 2027 Chefdirigent sein wird. Seine Vorgänger waren Willem Kes, Willem Mengelberg, Eduard van Beinum, Bernard Haitink, Riccardo Chailly, Mariss Jansons und Daniele Gatti. Iván Fischer ist seit der Saison 2021-22 Ehrengastdirigent.

Die Ausbildung und Förderung von Spitzentalent gehört seit Langem zum Kern der Aktivitäten des Concertgebouw Orchestra. So integriert die Akademie des Concertgebouw Orchestra im Rahmen eines Einjahres-Programms jede Saison rund 14 junge Spitzenmusiker*innen in das Orchester. Darüber hinaus führt Concertgebouw Orchestra Young alle zwei Jahre rund 80 junge Talente im Alter von vierzehn bis siebzehn Jahren aus ganz Europa zusammen.

Das Concertgebouw Orchestra dankt niederländischen Ministerium für Bildung, Kultur und Wissenschaft sowie von der Stadt Amsterdam, Sponsoren, Fonds und zahlreichen Spender*innen aus der ganzen Welt für ihre Unterstützung. Der größte Teil der Einnahmen stammt aus den Erträgen der Konzerte, die das Orchester in den Niederlanden und im Ausland gibt.