Donation goals
Young talent, education, the very best instruments, innovative productions – the donation goals listed below represent the very cornerstones on which the Concertgebouworkest’s quality and continued existence are built.
'Passion, excellence, and moments of reflection; it all comes together in the music and concerts of the Concertgebouw Orchestra.'
Anita Nijboer, Chair Foundation Concertgebouw Orchestra
Talent development
Tomorrow’s top talent

The Concertgebouworkest Academy
The Concertgebouworkest Academy has served as the orchestra’s own training institute for twenty years. The Academy gives talented European musicians the chance to complete their musical training by taking part in a personal development programme with the Concertgebouworkest.
The Academy is the Concertgebouworkest’s bridge between the conservatory and the professional music world. The multifaceted programme it offers produces outstanding musicians who are ready for a career in an internationally renowned symphony orchestra.
The Academy also serves as a pool from which the Concertgebouworkest itself can draw. Initiated to, and trained in the tradition of, the orchestra’s culture, students master the very specific ensemble playing required – taking responsibility, having confidence, listening to one another and taking risks. Through the Academy, the Concertgebouworkest is handing down an important tradition.
Since its inception in 2003, the Academy has produced dozens of successful orchestral musicians. Most play in professional orchestras all over Europe; indeed, no fewer than fifteen former Academy students are now fully fledged members of the Concertgebouworkest.
You can read more about the programme and the concerts of the Concertgebouworkest Academy here.
Concertgebouworkest Young
'Young' is the European youth orchestra under the wings of the Concertgebouworkest, providing unique training to young musical talent who, owing to social circumstances, have less of an opportunity to develop their skills at a high level.
You can read more about Concertgebouworkest Young as a special donation goal here.
Special artistic projects
Off the beaten track

Donations facilitate the various projects with which the Concertgebouworkest sets itself apart artistically and strengthens its image. Innovative concert series provide scope for commissioned works, interdisciplinary projects and collaboration with other cultural institutions. The foundation also provides support for operas in concert version, the Club Nights and tours to new countries and cities.
You can read more about our exciting artistic productions here.
Education and audience base
For a new generation

Members of the orchestra teaching in the classroom, school performances, educational apps, concerts at the Concertgebouw or at the orchestra’s home in Gabriël Metsustraat. Projects for primary and secondary schools introducing children and young people to classical music. All this is made possible by generous donors.
Concerts for the whole family
Thanks to its donors, the Concertgebouworkest is helping to ensure the musical development of a new generation of audiences by programming family series and children’s concerts for young listeners and their parents or grandparents.
For new audiences
The successful Essentials Series, presenting symphonic masterpieces that everyone should know, is aimed at engaging audiences who are not yet familiar with the orchestra or with classical music. Thanks to donors, the orchestra is reaching audiences for the future.
Building the instrument collection
The sound of quality
Endless possibilities
The Concertgebouworkest’s unique sound is not the result of chance. Indeed, the musicians are constantly working to safeguard it as they play, listen and refine every single day. As long as they have the very best tools at their disposal, the possibilities are endless. Unfortunately, most musicians could never afford such instruments, many of which are centuries old. Donations help make possible the purchase of first-rate instruments, which are provided to our musicians on loan for the whole of their career with the orchestra.
special projects
USA tour November 2024
The orchestra’s very own home (2016-2020)
RCO meets Europe | Side by side (2016-2018)
Endowment Fund
Thanks to private donations, Foundation Concertgebouworkest has for many years been building assets on which it can draw in times of need. The aim? To ensure that the orchestra can continue to perform at the very highest level in the event of a reduction in ticket sales or subsidy income. The need to ensure the existence of a continuity reserve has been borne out by the political and economic developments of recent years and by the coronavirus pandemic, which has also affected the orchestra.