Concertgebouw Orchestra to go on tour with Klaus Mäkelä and Philippe Herreweghe

First concerts featuring artistic partner Klaus Mäkelä
Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest image: Simon van Boxtel
Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest image: Simon van Boxtel
In August 2022, the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra’s annual summer tour will feature concerts under the direction of Klaus Mäkelä and Philippe Herreweghe on several important European music festivals.
Klaus Mäkelä conducts Mahler and Saariaho
In his first concerts as artistic partner of the Concertgebouw Orchestra, Klaus Mäkelä will conduct Orion by his compatriot, Kaija Saariaho, followed by Gustav Mahler’s Sixth Symphony. After a concert at the Amsterdam Concertgebouw on Friday, 19 August, Mäkelä will conduct the orchestra at the Berlin Philharmonie on Sunday the 28th and at the Cologne Philharmonie on Wednesday the 31st. Later in the 2022-23 season, the orchestra will work with artistic partner Klaus Mäkelä in four more programmes.
Philippe Herreweghe conducts Haydn’s Creation
Under the baton of Philippe Herreweghe, the Concertgebouw Orchestra will perform Joseph Haydn’s Die Schöpfung (The Creation) in Amsterdam on Thursday, 25 August, at Lucerne’s KKL on Monday the 29th, and at the Cologne Philharmonie on the 30th, joined by Collegium Vocale Gent and four highly acclaimed soloists, soprano Robin Johanssen, mezzo soprano Anna Molnár, tenor Werner Güra and bass Florian Boesch.