Meet our new Academy members

A new crop of academy students is embarking on their season ‘in house’ with the Concertgebouw Orchestra. Talented musicians selected for the 2024-25 Academy programme include two former members of Concertgebouworkest Young.
Academists 2024/25, image: Eduardus Lee
Academists 2024/25, image: Eduardus Lee

The Academy of the Concertgebouw Orchestra

The young musicians perform in orchestral productions accompanied by mentors from the orchestra’s ranks, they take part in masterclasses and training courses, they receive mental and physical coaching, and perform chamber music concerts at unique locations.

This season’s programme includes masterclasses by violinist Liza Ferschtman and future chief conductor Klaus Mäkelä, and concerts in the Recital Hall of the Concertgebouw. Several Academy participants will be coming along on the tour to the USA.

More about the Academy of the Concertgebouw Orchestra

Breeding ground

Both violists, Francisca Galante and Felipe Manzano, are former participants of the orchestra's summer project Concertgebouworkest Young for talented musicians aged 14 to 17. It illustrates how the Concertgebouworkest has been training musicians from a young age. Concertgebouworkest Young (since 2019) and the Academy (since 2002) together form a particularly fruitful breeding ground, contributing to a healthy future for symphonic music. The Concertgebouw Orchestra itself currently harbours fifteen (soon to be sixteen) former academy members.

The Academy of the Concertgebouw Orchestra is made possible in full by the Foundation Concertgebouworkest, which receives donations from Ammodo, the Dutch Masters Foundation, the Swiss Friends of the Concertgebouworkest, the Don Quixote Foundation, De Salon, private donors and a number of commemorative funds.