New sound colours

With the support of the Swiss Global Friends, the Foundation Concertgebouworkest has purchased a new harp for our harpist Anneleen Schuitemaker. She is incredibly grateful for the generous contribution.
image: Milagro Elstak
image: Milagro Elstak

Anneleen Schuitemaker about her new harp:

'There was a need for an instrument that better suits me ergonomically and, with an eye towards a hopefully long and successful, but also intensive career with the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, will cause fewer physical complaints. The previous harp, a Horngacher, is somewhat lower, and the distance between the strings is larger, which often results in me playing for long periods in an incorrect posture. This leads to long-term issues that can be prevented with a better-fitting instrument.

I noticed that the harp fits very well with the sound and playing style of the orchestra 

'In the new harp, I was looking for a warm bass register and a clear, sparkling upper register that stands out and is distinctly audible in the orchestra. We decided on the French brand Camac and, after a pleasant collaboration and search, found a beautiful golden Camac Oriane Concert Grand pedal harp that meets all the criteria. After a short trial period, I noticed that the harp fits very well with the sound and playing style of the orchestra and that the sound of the harp is beautifully amplified by the acoustics in the main hall of the Concertgebouw. This stimulates and challenges me as a musician to explore new sound colours and flexibility in my playing style.

'I am incredibly grateful that, with the help of the Swiss Global Friends, we were able to purchase this special instrument, and I look forward to getting to know the harp even better in the coming years.'

About the Swiss Global Friends