Foundation Concertgebouworkest

The Foundation Concertgebouworkest creates long-term synergies between its corporate partners, private patrons and crucial donor-advised funds.


The Foundation Concertgebouworkest provides vital financial support to the Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest and its individual musicians, thus enabling the orchestra, in its capacity as a Dutch ambassador for international excellence throughout the world, to give performances of symphonic music of the highest calibre in all the leading concert halls, and under the direction of the very best conductors. 

Opening night


Foundation Concertgebouworkest | Team Development

Telephone, fax and email

Tel + 31 (02)0 305 10 10 (weekdays from 9.00 - 17.15 uur)
Fax +31 20 305 1001

Visiting address

Gabriël Metsustraat 16
1071 EB Amsterdam
The Netherlands


Postal adres

P.O Box 78098
1070 LP Amsterdam

Bank details

IBAN: NL 10 ABNA 0446758906 in name of: Stichting Foundation Concertgebouworkest

Please mention your address and phone number

ANBI/RSIN nummer: 8051.93.571

Staf en bestuur




  • Anita Nijboer, chair
  • Jakob Treffers, treasurer
  • Oswald Coene
  • Ellen Cramer-de Jong
  • Marc Diepstraten
  • Dolf Hogewoning
  • Gregor Horsch
  • Naomi Sedney
  • Dominik Winterling