Are you thinking of including the Concertgebouw Orchestra in your will?
Hanna Philips would be happy to discuss the various options with you.
Making the Concertgebouworkest a beneficiary of your estate is a meaningful way to support the orchestra. Doing so will help ensure that future generations, too, can enjoy the unique quality and timbre of the Concertgebouworkest.
There are several ways you can make the orchestra a beneficiary of your estate. You may opt for a legacy or testamentary disposition. You can also establish a commemorative fund.
A legacy ensures the orchestra receives a sum determined by you, or a fixed percentage of the value of your estate. A legacy can also be a clearly defined asset, such as a home, a work of art or an instrument.
A testamentary disposition lets you appoint the orchestra as a beneficiary or co-beneficiary of your estate, thereby ensuring that all or a portion of your estate is bequeathed to the orchestra.
You can also link your estate with a commemorative fund, meaning that your legacy or testamentary disposition is earmarked for a specific purpose agreed with you. The minimum amount for establishing a commemorative fund is €50.000.
As a cultural charity organisation, Foundation Concertgebouworkest has been recognised as a cultural public benefit organisation (algemeen nut beogende instelling, or ANBI, in Dutch). This means it is fully exempt from all inheritance tax, so that the entirety of your donation goes to the Concertgebouworkest. Upon request, in specific cases and by mutual agreement, the foundation can also act as your executor.
The only way to make the orchestra a beneficiary of your estate is to include it in your will, which must be drawn up by a civil-law notary [notaris]. A codicil (a handwritten statement) is not legally binding in this case. You may choose your own notary, or we can refer you to ours should you so wish.
The notary will arrange a meeting with you to assess your wishes. He or she will advise you from both a legal and a tax perspective, taking into account your personal situation. A draft document will then be sent to you. Once you have approved the document, you will be invited to sign the will. You may change your will at any time with the help of your notary.
Stichting Foundation Concertgebouworkest
Chamber of Commerce no. 41199824
IBAN: NL 10 ABNA 0446758906
in name of: Stichting Foundation Concertgebouworkest
Once you have signed the will, you will receive a copy of it. The notary retains the original and registers it with the Central Register of Wills [Centraal Testamentenregister], thereby ensuring that any notary in the Netherlands can request it on behalf of an interested party after your death.
As a token of our gratitude for your loyalty, we will be pleased to accept you as a member of the Crown Guild, a circle of music lovers who have honoured their connection with the orchestra by making it a beneficiary of their estate. As a member of the Crown Guild, you will receive an annual invitation for two to a private rehearsal or masterclass. You will also receive the foundation’s monthly newsletter and annual report, bringing you closer to the musicians and closer to the music.
Perhaps you have already included the Concertgebouworkest in your will. If so, we would be delighted if you informed us of this, so that we can welcome you as a member of the Crown Guild.
There are also many options for making donations while you are still alive.