First Violin tutti
Auditions will be held on 8, 9 and 10 January 2024 in Amsterdam.
Deadline: 3 October 2023
Repertoire will include:
- Mozart, K. 218 or 219
- Romantic Concerto of choice:
Beethoven/Mendelssohn (E minor)/Brahms/Tchaikovsky/Sibelius
You can add links of your recordings to our application form.
For the first audition round specific recorded solos and excerpts can be requested later at the discretion of the audition committee.
The orchestra's activities include concerts in the Netherlands and abroad as well as radio, CD and television recordings and a broad range of streaming media activities.
The Concertgebouworkest works to provide its members with suitable instruments, which are loaned to the musicians during their employment with the orchestra.
We reserve the right to make a preliminary selection based on application forms.
Applications to be received by 3 October 2023 via the online application form only: