Support Concertgebouw Orchestra Young
Are you considering making a contribution to the next editions of Young? Barbara Ruding would be happy to discuss the various options with you.
Concertgebouworkest Young is the international youth orchestra of the Concertgebouw Orchestra and is held every other year. It gives young, talented instrumentalists aged fourteen to seventeen the chance to develop themselves at the highest level. Together, these young people are a testament to the diversity of Europe.
Concertgebouworkest Young follows on from RCO meets Europe, an ambitious tour of all the member states of the EU which the orchestra undertook between 2016 and 2018. In each country, Concertgebouworkest musicians performed side by side with a local youth orchestra, thereby forging close ties with young musicians throughout Europe. This unique concept has been enriched and intensified with Young. The youth orchestra network plays an important role in reaching young orchestra members.
Through Young, the Concertgebouworkest is investing in coming generations to generate interest in, and raise support for, the orchestra and for classical music. At the same time, it is hoped that Young will help forge ties with an increasingly diverse society, which is why the programme is aimed specifically at groups of young people who are under-represented in European youth orchestras today – ‘hidden talent’ who, owing to their social background, could use a little extra support in their musical development.
In addition to developing their musical talents, the young people receive guidance in personal development, community spirit and democratic ideals. The orchestra has teamed up with United World Colleges Nederland to develop a special programme. Finally, the young people assume the role of ambassador, taking back with them to their home countries the principles on which Young is founded.
To ensure that participants are unencumbered by financial constraints, the summer camp is free of charge. Travel expenses, too, are reimbursed. Young is made possible by support from private individuals, funds and the business community.