Involving your tickets until 18 December 2022

Dear Sir or Madam,

On 26 November, the Dutch government announced new measures to reduce the number of coronavirus infections and to prevent healthcare facilities from being further overburdened. For the Concertgebouworkest, this means we are not permitted to give any evening concerts until 18 December inclusive. The maximum number of those attending concerts scheduled during the day has been severely limited. Unfortunately, we are not in a position to reduce even further the number of audience members in such a short time. Much to our regret, we have thus decided to cancel all concerts in Amsterdam up to and including 18 December.

With this email, we would like to inform you of the measures taken to resolve the situation involving your tickets to the concerts originally scheduled during this period. After you have logged in to your account on our website, we will offer you the option of converting your tickets to each concert to a voucher, a refund or a donation. 

‘Enjoy later’ voucher

As soon as you receive it, you can use the ‘Enjoy later’ voucher when purchasing new concert tickets. The voucher is valid for two years, so you will have plenty of opportunity to make use of it.

Receiving a refund for your ticket(s)

If you requested that the price of your ticket(s) be refunded, we will arrange for the funds to be transferred within two weeks to the bank account number (IBAN) you have provided. If you do not have an IBAN, we ask that you please request your refund by sending an email to our Customer Service Department.


Should you wish to donate your ticket(s) to one of the cancelled concerts, we would, of course, be immensely grateful. In these uncertain times, this gesture is of enormous value to the orchestra.

As we have recently moved to a new ticketing system, you may need to reset your password before submitting your choice. If you are unable to log in, you can do so by clicking on ‘Forgot your password?’.

We ask that you please inform us of your preference before 10 December. If you have not informed us of your preference by this date, we will go ahead and convert your ticket(s) to a voucher. Please note that you can still request that the price of your voucher be refunded to you.

Any questions?

Should you need help converting your ticket(s), or if you have other questions pertaining to this email, please feel free to contact our Customer Service Department on +31 (0)20 305 1015 (Monday to Friday from 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.) or at Because our Customer Service Department is currently experiencing higher volumes of work, it may take a little longer than usual for us to respond to your message.

We, too, are deeply disappointed about having to cancel our concerts up to and including 18 December. However, we do hope to contribute in this way to a reduction in the number of infections so that we can all enjoy the orchestra’s music together again in the short term. We are currently exploring the possibility of performing short concerts during the day and streams, and will be back in touch with you soon with the details.

Stay healthy, and we hope to see you again soon at one of our concerts.

Kind regards,

Wietske Kuiper
Marketing and Sales Manager