The Royal Republic
They play a supporting role, yet they are totally indispensable. Never in the limelight, the audience mainly notices them during loud musical passages. But there is more to these talented men at the back of the podium than meets the eye. The skills of this group are so diverse and unique, that in the 135 years of the orchestra’s existence only 26 musicians were regarded virtuoso enough to become part of the team. Their special status gives them the freedom to select their own instruments, to manage their own space and to interpret the music in their own way. That's why the world-renowned conductor Bernard Haitink named them ‘The royal Royal republic of the percussion’.
‘… A feel-good movie about friendship, craftsmanship and music … ‘
In this documentary we learn to know this group. We discover how much they love their profession, how much they care for their instruments and how deeply they appreciate their mutual connection. But the looming retirement of the timpanist Nick Woud threatens to unsettle their exclusive existence. A new group member, who has to match them in every possible way, will need to be found, adding extra pressure to a season already marred by Covid-19 and cancelled concerts.
Engaging and entertaining, The Royal Republic is a feel-good movie about friendship, craftsmanship and music.
Premiere on 8 February in EYE Amsterdam
Tickets for the premiere on 8 February in EYE can be purchased here. The Royal Republic will be in cinemas from 9 February.